Mahsa Sarrafı finished her B.Sc. in Civil engineering at Islamic Azad University in Iran in 2017. She started her M.Sc.in Mechanichal engineering at özyeğin University in 2020.
The current hand prostheses have been designed to do the activities of daily living of the amputees. The passive prostheses have lots of limitation and most of them are capable to perform only a limited number of tasks. In this project a novel design of body-powered hand prosthesis has been developed that is capable to perform lots of activity of daily Living. This prosthesis has 8 degrees of freedom and prototyped with in 3D-printer using ABS material.
Large portion of amputee population around the world are trans-humeral amputees. Requirement for a light weight and adjustable wrist joint to change the stiffness of it in various situations is essential. In this project a novel wrist joint which is either low weigh or active has been proposed. Using this wrist joint with an innovative mechanism design will enable amputees to control the stiffness of their joint based on the weight of the object that they want to hold or pick it up. The wrist design has been realized by printing it in the 3D printer with ABS material. Brushless DC motor have been used to actuate the wrist joint according to the applied forces.
PreBOTIC Hand Prosthesis
This hand prostheses will be designed to do the activities of daily living of the amputees. In order to bring the fingers to pre-defined tasks 3 DC motors will be used. This prosthesis has 8 degrees of freedom and will be prototyped by 3D-printer using ABS material.
Started her M.Sc.in Mechanichal engineering at Özyeğin University.